
Difference & similarity between Aluminum 6061-T6 & Aluminum 6063-T52

Difference & similarity between Aluminum 6061-T6 & Aluminum 6063-T52

Aluminum is a metal widely used across the world and commonly found in everything from aircraft to kitchen utensils. However, there are different types of Aluminum alloys available in the market. In this article, we will discuss some differences and similarities between two popular Aluminum alloys – Aluminum 6061-T6 and Aluminum 6063-T52. So let’s get

Why 5052 Aluminum Is So Popular With Our Customers?

Why 5052 Aluminum Is So Popular With Our Customers?

Among the different types of aluminum alloys, 5052 aluminum is one of the most popular options for our customers. It is a versatile and lightweight metal broadly used in various forms, such as 5052 aluminum sheet for industries, including aerospace, automotive, construction, manufacturing, and to name a few. Through this article, you will explore the

The Value of Aluminum Tube and Pipe

The Value of Aluminum Tube and Pipe

Aluminum is a wonderful material increasingly used across multiple industries, including commercial industrial, manufacturing, aerospace, healthcare equipment, machines, etc. There’s no doubt aluminum tubes and pipes have a high-value quotient as they deliver strength, flexibility, and durability while being extremely lightweight. Aluminum’s growing demand and utilization Aluminum is quickly replacing plastic and steel in some

Identifying Aluminum 5052 & 6061 Similarities and Differences

Identifying Aluminum 5052 & 6061 Similarities and Differences

Aluminum is one of the most lightweight and durable materials used almost everywhere. From kitchen food wrap to airplane parts, aluminum is utilized due to its excellent corrosion resistance, machinability, and formability. However, there are two of the most popular aluminum alloys – 5052 aluminum and 6061 aluminum. While both are aluminum alloys, they have

How to Find a 5083 Aluminum Plate Stockist/Supplier?

How to Find a 5083 Aluminum Plate Stockist/Supplier?

Aluminum 5083 plates are usually manufactured using magnesium and chromium. These plates are used across a wide range of applications due to their superb ability to resist corrosion. Aluminum 5083 plates are commonly used for making shipyards, armor plating, marine components, drilling rigs, and a lot more.   While it is prepared to withstand temperature-varying

Everything You Should Know About 5086 Extrusions

Everything You Should Know About 5086 Extrusions

Aluminum 5086 extrusions are made using a manufacturing process called extrusion, best used for making complex cross-sectional profile objects with multiple T slots to join numerous bars via connectors to create structures. Metal workers can weld it using any conventional and modern welding method. The 5086 extrusions are manufactured with strain hardening and cold working

Why Is T6 The Most Popular Aluminum 6061 Grade?

Why Is T6 The Most Popular Aluminum 6061 Grade?

T6 is the most common and popular alloy among all aluminum 6061 grades. The 6061 t6 aluminum sheet  is a general-purpose alloy that is widely used in a wide range of applications, including automotive, construction, and aerospace industries. Although it’s so common in the industry, there seems to be a significant gap in the knowledge regarding

Properties and Applications of Aluminum 6061 Sheets

Properties and Applications of Aluminum 6061 Sheets

6061 Aluminum is a precipitation-hardened, heat-treatable composite, containing magnesium, silicon, manganese as primary alloying elements. This high-strength alloy has become popular for applications requiring strength and durability. It’s often used in structural components, such as beams and frames, but it also finds use in automotive parts like wheels and chassis because of its resistance to

3 Questions To Ask Before Choosing An Aluminum Supplier

3 Questions To Ask Before Choosing An Aluminum Supplier

There are several benefits of aluminum. It is lightweight, yet durable and has excellent machinability, weldability, and strength-to-weight ratio. The properties of aluminum make it suitable for commercial and industrial use. It is offered in a number of pre-cut forms and shapes. After you have decided that you want to use aluminum for your next

6061 and 6063 Aluminum Square Tubing

6061 and 6063 Aluminum Square Tubing

Aluminum is offered in a variety of extrusions including square tubing. Aluminum square tubes are used for a wide variety of projects including machines parts, frames/trim, racks, construction, and ornamental projects.  It is also used when corrosion resistance is of utmost importance. Aluminum square tubing is lightweight and has a high relative strength.   One